In year 1952 brothers John and Marian Brunet (decorator) brothers and Antoni Solsona in the company Decorama (D) as a decoration and cabinetmaking shop located at Gracia Street No. 12 of Sabadell and also establish a trade for exhibition and sale furniture and under the brand name “Muebleria Brunet” Sant Jaume Street No. 19 Sabadell
In year 1960 Joan Brunet (JB) as unique as a partner expands representations acrisa (conditioning and industrial refrigeration) levolor (Venetian blinds), Kirsch (rail curtains), gravel (Celosia windows) Armstrong SA manufactures cork (agglomerated cork …), Industrias Iberian hormigon translucent (Paves glass, etc.) moderban (doors) modernfold (folding doors) BALTUR (oil burners) …